Legal protection of the environment in the context of war, post-war reconstruction and European integration of Ukraine

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

“Legal Protection of the Environment in the Context of War, Post-War Reconstruction and European Integration of Ukraine”




The panel discussion “Legal Protection of the Environment in the Context of War, Post-War Reconstruction and European Integration of Ukraine” is dedicated to discussing a number of important and topical issues, including: formation of a new Ukrainian environmental law doctrine and development of the Environmental Treaty, ensuring environmental safety in the context of modern challenges and threats, bringing perpetrators to legal responsibility for ecocide and other environmental offences, compensation for environmental and climate damage, loss of ecosystem services caused by the full-scale invasion of russia, post-war restoration of natural objects and complexes, fulfilment of Ukraine’s international and European integration commitments in the environmental sphere, etc.

The speakers at the panel discussion will be well-known international and Ukrainian experts, professors from leading universities, recognised scientists, experienced legal practitioners, public figures, representatives of state and local authorities.

This event will certainly be of interest to those who want to keep abreast of the latest developments in environmental issues, communicate with innovators and like-minded colleagues, share their own experience and develop common approaches to solving pressing environmental and legal problems.


Full event program



26 september 2024
10.00 - 18.00
Registration of participants for the event in Zoom format


Anatoliy Getman

Rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine.

Yulia Ovchinnikova

Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Head of the Subcommittee of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management, member of the delegation to PACE, Head of the inter-factional association ‘For the Environment, Against Ecocide’.

Yevhen Ivanov

Deputy Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Military Administration, PhD in Biology, attorney-at-law.


Oleg Bondarenko

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management.

Topic of speech: ''Ukraine’s new state climate policy: the legal dimension''

Victoria Buchneva

Acting Head of the State Environmental Inspectorate in Kharkiv Region.

Topic of speech: ''Practical aspects of environmental control''

Viktor Boyko

Head of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor’s Office (as a department) of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

Topic of speech: ''The activities of the prosecutor’s office in combating criminal offences in the field of environment and illegal use of natural resources, including in the context of armed conflict, and ensuring judicial protection of the state’s interests in these matters''

Tetyana Tymochko

Head of the All-Ukrainian Environmental League.

Topic of speech: ''The impact of russian military aggression on the environment of Ukraine''

Anna Berti Suman

Environmental Lawyer and Member of the Gromada project ( (the GROMADA project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union), Research Fellow in Sustainable Innovation Law – Luiss Law School, Rome, Head of – Research Laboratory for the Governance of the Commons, Rome, Founder – The Sensing for Justice Project – […]

Topic of speech: ''Mobilising civilian science to document environmental harms and foster people’s agency''

Sofiya Shutiak

She has been working in the field of environmental protection in Ukraine since 1999. Since 2005, she has been a lawyer in public interest environmental disputes and has been looking for ways to achieve the rule of environmental law. In 2013, she began researching the specifics of public administration and decentralisation of good governance at […]

Topic of speech: ''Legal protection of the environment in times of war: international and national context''

Borys Babin

Doctor of Law, Professor. In 2002, he graduated with honours from the Odesa Institute of Internal Affairs with a degree in law. In 2005, he defended his PhD thesis in constitutional law, and in 2013, he defended his doctoral thesis in international law. In 2008, he was promoted to Associate Professor at the Department of […]

Topic of speech: ''National investigation of ecocide in Ukraine: challenges and prospects''

Hanna Vronska

Judge of the Commercial Cassation Court Within the Supreme Court.

Topic of speech: ''Current judicial practice in the field of environmental protection''

Olga Melen-Zabramna

Since 2000 she has been working in the field of environmental protection by legal methods thanks to her work in the public sector in the team of MBO ‘Environment-People-Law’. In 2009 she obtained a Master’s degree in Environmental Law from the University of Nottingham (UK). Since the same year she returned to the EPL team […]

Topic of speech: ''Difficulties in documenting and assessing environmental damage caused during the war''

Igor Kraynov

Chief Research Scientist of the Laboratory of Engineering, Technical and Military Studies of the National Research Centre ‘IСE named after Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius’. Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Ecology.

Topic of speech: ''Problematic issues of forensic engineering and environmental examinations of the environmental consequences of war crimes in accordance with International Humanitarian Law''

Olesia Vashchuk

Doctor of Law, Professor, author of monographs and scientific articles. Head of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She has extensive experience in the field of legal environmental protection, in particular in the context of current challenges related to martial law and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. She […]

Topic of speech: ''Environmental challenges in times of war: legal mechanisms of protection''

François Grünewald

Agricultural engineer from INA-PG and has worked in the humanitarian sector for over 40 years. After working for the UN, the ICRC and NGOs, he set up Groupe URD (, a research and evaluation institute specialising in crisis management, humanitarian action and reconstruction. A former associate professor at the University of Paris XII, he has […]

Topic of speech: ''The dramatic environmental impact of the war Ukraine: terrible prejudices, long lasting consequences and the need of an integrated, multi-actors’ mobilisation''

Timur Korotky

Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of International Law, Leading Researcher at the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine”, PhD in Law, Associate Professor.

Topic of speech: ''Approaches to the qualification of the Kakhovka HPP dam detonation''

Maxim Popov

Advisor to the Prosecutor General.

Topic of speech: ''Approaches to the qualification of the Kakhovka HPP dam detonation''

Nataliia Hendel

Leading researcher at the State Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine’, expert at the NGO ‘Foundation for Support of Fundamental Research’, PhD in Law, Associate Professor. She is an expert with the Council of Europe, where she contributed to the development of a course […]

Topic of speech: ''International legal criminalisation of the crime of ecocide''

Alex Cornell Du Houx

Former Maine State Representative, Marine Corps veteran, and environmental advocate. He founded Operation Free, winning a REED award for combating climate change. He has led State Department delegations, teaches public leadership at the University of San Francisco, and serves as President of Elected Officials to Protect America. He holds a Masters in Public Leadership and […]

Topic of speech: ''Ukraine Energy Security Marshall Plan: Post-War Reconstruction and Lefal Challenges''

Natalia Malysheva

Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Department of Legal Problems of Agrarian, Land, Environmental and Space Law of the V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.

Topic of speech: ''Environmental emergencies under martial law''

Vasyl Kostytskyi

Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Vice President of the Association of People’s Deputies of Ukraine.

Topic of speech: ''Problems of approximation of national environmental legislation to EU standards in the context of countering ecocide as a new form of russian war in Ukraine''

Volodymyr Yermolenko

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Academician V. Z. Yanchuk Department of Agricultural, Land and Environmental Law of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Topic of speech: ''On bringing perpetrators to legal responsibility for environmental war crimes''

Olena Kovtun

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal and Administrative Law of the Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine (Kyiv). She is the author and co-author of more than 130 scientific, educational and methodological works on jurisprudence, environmental and land law, including textbooks and monographs: ‘Legislation of Ukraine on Environment’, ‘Legal Protection of Territories […]

Topic of speech: ''Ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by Ukraine: Environmental, Legal and European Integration Implications''

Tetiana Kovalchuk

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Environmental Law of the Institute of Law at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Topic of speech: ''Legal regulation of the state climate policy of Ukraine in the context of martial law, post-war reconstruction and European integration''

Viacheslav Oleshchenko

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Acting Head of the Department of Legal Problems of Agrarian, Land, Environmental and Space Law, Director of the Research Centre for Energy, Nuclear and Natural Resource Law of the V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Acting President […]

Topic of speech: ''The special mission of the Kharkiv International Legal Forum and prospects for strengthening its capabilities in the formation and implementation of a scientific legal position on topical issues of environmental law''

Tetiana Kharytonova

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Agrarian, Land and Environmental Law at the National University “Odesa Law Academy”.

Topic of speech: ''Problems of hydropower development in the context of martial law and post-war reconstruction''

Pavlo Kulinych

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Legal Problems of Agrarian, Land, Environmental and Space Law of the V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.”

Topic of speech: ''Concepts of “ecological safety” and “climate safety” in the modern law of Ukraine: functions, relationships and branch affiliation''


Yevhenii Suietnov

Head of the Department of Environmental Law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Leading Specialist at the Sustainable Development and Environmental Law Center ( His research interests include environmental law and policy, international environmental law, European Union environmental law, law and policy in the field of natural resources use. He […]

Ievgeniia Kopytsia

PhD in Law, MSCA4Ukraine Research Fellow, University of Genoa, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Head of the Sustainable Development and Environmental Law Center, and a visiting academic at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford.

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Thank you for registering to attend the VIII-th Kharkiv International Legal Forum.

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See you at VIII-th Kharkiv International Legal Forum on September 23-27, 2024!

Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee
Rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Anatoly Hetman