The procedure for appointment of judges: what possible reforms to improve the Constitutional Courts’ legitimacy?


In order to ensure a high quality of the decisions of the Constitutional Courts and, in the same time, their legitimacy, the procedure for appointment of the judges is essential. This procedure is too often politically motivated. As a result, the legitimacy of the High Courts is often questioned, even in the countries where there are no particular crises in their functioning. In her analysis, Ms. Danelciuc-Colodrovschi sets out to analyze the different models for appointing constitutional judges in comparative law and their possible effects on the functioning of the institution of constitutional review. This analysis will allow her to consider possible future developments in this area that could make it possible to remedy the crises experienced in Europe, more particularly in Eastern countries.

5 october 2022
10.00 - 13.00
Registration of participants for the event in Zoom format


Natasa Danelciuc-Colodrovschi

Dr. Natasa Danelciuc-Colodrovschi is an Assistant Professor at Aix-Marseille University and Director of the Association of French Speaking Researchers on Eastern Countries. She is specialized in comparative constitutional law, European Convention law, relationship between legal systems, democratization and strengthening of the Rule of law.

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