Digital technologies, human experience and law

Interdisciplinary workshop
Centre for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies (Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University), announces an interdisciplinary workshop aiming to combine the perspectives of sciences, philosophy and jurisprudence of the transformation of law in the  digital age.
Digital technologies are radically changing the human experience, from whose structure such seemingly purely human components as thinking and action are gradually disappearing. Technology, which was initially designed to be part of our lives, is displacing the human  experience as such. For the first time, the unprecedented pace of technology development provides one with a tangible opportunity to get rid of all the difficulties that accompany the action, and which are combined in the concept of responsibility. On the other hand, technology itself is becoming increasingly autonomous and independent of human intervention. Concepts such as freedom of will, self-awareness and self-determination become too vague to serve as defining criteria for a legal subject. The range of potential carriers of autonomy is growing broader. At the same time, the ideas of autonomy, action and responsibility remain the basis of present day legal institutions. However, hasn’t this foundation become too fragile to continue to support the great building of law?
Suggested topics or questions that a proposal could address include:
  • How radically does the human experience change in the digital age and does it remain human? Or, perhaps, technology only sheds light on the fact that we have never been who we think we are?
  • Does a human being still maintain a monopoly on the agency in the world of digital technology?
  • Should we not reconsider our traditional notions of free will and human agency, and along with them the classical notions of jurisprudence and the concept of law as such?
  • Does the idea of democracy still make sense in the context of governance automation and given the broad range of opportunities for manipulation through technology?
  • Could justice be algorithmized and can decisions based on artificial intelligence promote justice in society?
  • Is there still room for legal responsibility in a world where free action is replaced by risk minimization algorithms?
  • Is there still a place for law at all, and if so, how should we rethink the latter in the digital age?
The languages of the workshop are English and Ukrainian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. A special issue of the academic journal “Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law” (Ukrainian peer-reviewed open access journal; for more details see: will be published based on the results of the workshop. The deadline for articles submissions: November 30, 2021.
All proposals or questions may be submitted via email to Yulia Razmetaeva and Natalia Satokhina (



Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technology of the Yaroslav Mudriy National Law University.


Event program

24 september 2021
10-th floor, Library & Learning Center of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Registration of participants for the event in Zoom format


Dmytro Hudyma

Judge of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court, PhD in Law, Associate Professor. Dmitry is the author of the book “Human Rights: An Anthropological and Methodological Basis for Research” (2009) and numerous publications on human rights, anthropology, artificial intelligence, effective remedies, European Court of Human Rights practice.

Nataliia Satokhina

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Human Rights and Legal Methodology of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.

Yulia Razmetaeva

Yulia Razmetaeva, PhD in Law, is a Head of the Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies and Associate Professor at the Department of Human Rights and Legal Methodology at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine) and Uppsala University visiting researcher (Sweden). She is the author of the books “Human Rights as a Fundamental […]

Clarisse Schroeder

Clarisse Schroeder, who works in public sector, specialising in digital transformation. Clarisse has experience in promoting public digital services and open government in Switzerland and Germany. She is also Board Member of OffeneKommunen. NRW, a non profit organisation promoting Open Government in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the member of the Open Education and Software Association. She […]

Marianna Capasso

She is a Ph.D. student in Human Rights and Global Politics at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy. Her research interests include philosophy of technology, political philosophy, applied ethics. She has authored or co-authored articles on these topics in journals such as Minds and Machines, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, and others.  

Connor Hocking

Connor graduated with a B.A. in liberal arts from St. John’s College in the United States in 2017. He will be applying to graduate programs in philosophy this coming winter. His areas of interest include bioethics – especially the ethics of biomedical enhancement – AI ethics, and normative ethics.

Shiva Rahman

A lawyer by profession and a researcher by passion, the speaker is a graduate in mathematics and law, and a post graduate in computer science and philosophy. His doctoral degree is in philosophy of mind and cognitive science.


Yulia Razmetaeva

Yulia Razmetaeva, PhD in Law, is a Head of the Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies and Associate Professor at the Department of Human Rights and Legal Methodology at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine) and Uppsala University visiting researcher (Sweden). She is the author of the books “Human Rights as a Fundamental […]

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    Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee
    Rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
    Anatoly Hetman