Yuliia Vlasenko

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Environmental Law Department, Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Yuliia Vlasenko has a pedagogical experience of 13 years, of which 5 years as an associate professor of the Department of Environmental Law. She is the author of over 70 publications, including 5 co-authored monographs and 4 articles in scientific journals, which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Sciens.
Fields of professional interests: Environmental law, problems of forming and realization of environmental policy of Ukraine and the world, Environmental Security Law, International Environmental Law, EU Environmental Law and adaptation of Ukrainian environmental legislation to EU legislation, problems of realization and protection of citizens’ environmental rights, etc.
She defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences on speciality 12.00.06 on the theme: “Optimization of the legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of providing ecological safety” (March, 3rd, 2010).