Tetiana Tsuvina

Doctor of Science (Law), Head of the Department of Department of Civil proceedings, Arbitration and Private international law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Director of the Center for Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Qualified lawyer specializing in civil procedure and ADR, who has scientific and practical experience, including advocacy and mediation practice. An author of many publications, related to international standards of access to justice and fair trial, ADR, mediation, etc. A member of the Working group of the Ministru of Justice on the preparation of the draft law “On Mediation” and proposals for the ratification of the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation. An experienced mediation trainer and national expert on ADR of the USAID New Justice Program, OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine, EU Project “Pravo-Justice”, international expert of the GIZ Program “Promotion of the Rule of Law in Central Asia”.