Łukasz Grzejdziak

Łukasz Grzejdziak (University of Łódź), PhD is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration and an Associated Member, close academic collaborator and Coordinator of the State Aid Law area at the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, University of Warsaw. His area of expertise is Polish, EU, US and comparative competition law and public business law.

He is an author of numerous publications within the area of Competition Law including a triply prized monograph on State Aid for Services of General Economic Interest. Łukasz Grzejdziak gained significant practical experience within the scope of State Aid as well as Polish and EU Competition Law while working as a competition law expert. He has been engaged in numerous antitrust, merger and state aid proceedings before the Polish and EU Competition Authorities. He led tens of workshops and trainings on State Aid and Antitrust Law for civil servants and for businesses.