Ivar Tallo

International expert on E-Justice, EU Project ‘PRAVO-Justice’
Ivar Tallo is one of the founders and a Member of the Supervisory Board of the e-Governance Academy of Estonia. In the latter role he has promoted the use of information and communication technologies to public sector leaders in Central and Eastern European countries, the Balkans, the CIS, Arab countries and Africa. He has given e-government lectures to the presidents of Kazakhstan and Armenia, the cabinets and ministers of Uzbekistan, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Northern Cyprus, Palestine, Namibia and Rwanda, and speakers and MPs from Macedonia, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.
Ivar Tallo has been a Member of Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) and Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. He has also worked as a lecturer on public policy and public administration at Tartu University.
Mr Tallo is the co-author of the Basic Principles of Information Policy of Estonia, Code of Conduct for Civil Servants and Public Information Act.
Ivar Tallo has served as a regional ICTD advisor for the Bratislava Center of the UNDP and been seconded by Estonian government to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research where he was the manager for the e-governance programme.
He initiated a transfer of highly successful Estonian educational ICT programme Tiger Leap to Georgia after the Rose revolution with the financial help of the US Embassy in Tallinn and Estonian MFA.