Gintaras Švedas

Professor, habilitated doctor Gintaras Švedas.
Švedas – Head of Criminal Justice Department of Law Faculty of Vilnius university (from 2003), Professor of law at Law Faculty of Vilnius university (from 2009); Vice-Dean for Planning and Sciences of Law Faculty of Vilnius university (from 2006); Member of the Committee of the Criminal Code Supervision under the Ministry of Justice (from 2012); Contact point for Lithuania in the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) (from 2006) and Member of Managment Committee of ECLAN (from 2018); Member of the Committee on Legal Reform in Ukraine (from 2019), etc.
As a Lithuanian national expert, he took part in more than 10 international scientific projects. As a short-term senior expert, he participated in the EU projects “Support to the Government of Moldova in the field of anti-corruption, reform of Ministry of Internal Affairs, including police and personal data protection” (2011-2013), “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine” (2015-2017) and „Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine-PRAVO-Justice“ (from 2018).
Švedas was Vice-Minister of Justice of Lithuania (1993-2006), Agent of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to the European Court of Human Rights (1995-2003), Member of the Management Board of Fundamental Rights Agency (2007-2010), Public Adviser to the Minister of Justice in the fields of criminal law, enforcement of punichments, implementation of the EU law (2012-2016), etc.
Švedas is an author (co-author) of 9 monographs, 88 scientific articles, 22 manuals, textbooks and educational works, 11 compendiums. He also was involved in preparation of, among others, the Criminal Code, Code of Punishment Enforcement and Code of Criminal Procedure of Lithuania.