Oleksii Piddubnyi

Professor, Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law at the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management.
Date and place of birth 23. 05. 1979, Kiev. Education Graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev in 2001. Master of Law. Laureate of the Yaroslav Mudryi Prize of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine and the Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy (2011), Laureate of the Prize of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2014). Certificate on the right to practice law – 2004. Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity in NUBiP for 17 years. Co-author of the textbook “Administrative Jurisdiction in Agribusiness” textbook “Administrative Jurisdiction in Agribusiness”, textbook “Agrarian Law of Ukraine”, textbook “Veterinary Law of Ukraine” with the vulture of the Ministry of Education. She has more than 100 publications, including those in international scientometric databases. Regularly participates in all-Ukrainian and international conferences of lawyers, H-index SCOPUS 3, seven candidates of science defended under scientific supervision.
Sphere of interests: administrative law, legal regulation of biotechnologies, natural.