Integration of Mediation into Civil Procedure: EU Best Practices and Perspectives for Ukraine

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

“Integration of Mediation into Civil Procedure: EU Best Practices and Perspectives for Ukraine”


Date: September 23, 2023, 14:00-18:00

Coordinator: Dr. Tetiana Tsuvina

Languages: English; Ukrainian


The reform of the procedural legislation and the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Mediation” strengthened the development of consensual procedures in civil proceedings and caused a discussion about their effectiveness. The panel is a platform for discussing national and foreign experience of integrating mediation into civil proceedings in the context of models of court-connected and judicial mediation, mandatory mediation practices, introduction of mediators registers, procedural features of integrating mediation into civil proceedings, features of mediation in certain categories of disputes, etc. Representatives of government authorities, academics and mediators will take part in the event.




Full event program



23 september 2024
14.00 - 18.00
Registration of participants for the event in Zoom format


Mag. Konstanze Thau

Registered mediator according to ZivMedG, Lecturer at the SFU Vienna. From 1994 to August 2024, she worked as a judge in residential property and tenancy law and in general civil law. Most recently as chair of an appeal panel at the Vienna Regional Court for Civil Matters in family law. In 2015, she founded the […]

Topic of speech: ''Mediation in the Austrian Judicial System''

Timothy Powell

Tim Powell is the London Regional Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Residential Property. He manages a team of six full-time judges, 40 part-time judges and 40 non-legal professional tribunal members. The tribunal is a specialist forum in England which decides a very wide range of disputes about residential property. Amongst other things, the […]

Topic of speech: ''Recent Developments in Mediation in the United Kingdom''

Virgilijus Valančius

Senior international expert of the component “Support to EU Integration Process in the Justice Sector” of the EU Project “Pravo-Justice”. Mr. Virgilijus Valančius graduated in law at the Vilniaus universitetas (Vilnius University, Lithuania) in 1986 and obtained a doctorate in law at the Mykolo Romerio universitetas (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) in 2000. He submitted his […]

Topic of speech: ''Judicial Mediation in Lithuania''

Yuliya Radanova

Post-doctor at Mykolos Romeris Univesity, Lithuania working in the field of family mediation. Radanova is also a full-time professional mediator with approximately 15 years of experience in the field. Lawyer by training, her legal practice focused on civil and family cases. She is an active mediation trainer and teaches mediation in several universities across the […]

Topic of speech: ''Mandatory mediation in the context of family disputes: a rising trend within the EU?''

Indrė Korsakovienė

Lecturer at the Institute of Private Law of Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania. Indre Korsakoviene is teaching Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation Practice to Bachelor and Master students of Law and Social Sciences in both in Lithuanian and English. She is also a co-lecturer of the subject Mediation Theory and Practice in the Mediation LLM study […]

Topic of speech: ''Towards a more effective mediation eco-system in Lithuania''

Nataliia Mazaraki

The Head of the International, civil and commercial law department at the State University of Trade and Economics, expert of the EU Project “Pravo-Justice” and researcher in the field of mediation. Ms. Mazaraki has provided extensive research on mediation implementation in the Ukrainian legal framework. She founded the Mediation Clinic and the Educational and Advisory […]

Topic of speech: ''Quality of mediation services in court-connected mediation: how to ensure and evaluate?''

Nataliia Sakara

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law of the State University of Trade and Economics, Judge of the Cassation Civil Court of the Supreme Court.

Topic of speech: ''Court-connected mediation: a judge's perspective''

Mykhailo Shumylo

Head of the Secretariat of the High Council of Justice, Doctor of Law, National Expert of the Council of Europe. Education: Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (2001-2006); postgraduate studies: V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2006-2009), research work: V.M. Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of […]

Topic of speech: ''Resolving individual and collective labor disputes in mediation''

Iryna Fedorych

Candidate of Law, guest lecturer of the course “Alternative Dispute Resolution” at the School of Law of the Ukrainian Catholic University, mediator, supervisor. Acting Chairman of the Board of the Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine. Intervisor on assistance in providing access to mediation in the system of free legal aid. Co-author and trainer of […]

Topic of speech: ''Experience of implementation by the Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine of Guidelines No. 14 for a better implementation of the existing Recommendations Concerning Family Mediation and Mediation in Civil Matters, adopted by the European Commission on the Efficiency of Justice on the 7th of December 2007''


Tetiana Tsuvina

Doctor of Science (Law), Head of the Department of Department of Civil proceedings, Arbitration and Private international law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Director of the Center for Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Qualified lawyer specializing in civil procedure and ADR, who has scientific and practical experience, including advocacy and mediation practice. An […]

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Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee
Rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Anatoly Hetman