Yuliya Radanova
Post-doctor at Mykolos Romeris Univesity, Lithuania working in the field of family mediation. Radanova is also a full-time professional mediator with approximately 15 years of experience in the field. Lawyer by training, her legal practice focused on civil and family cases. She is an active mediation trainer and teaches mediation in several universities across the EU. She holds a Ph.D. in mediation and is currently enrolled in a post-doctorate program at Mykolos Romeris Univesity, Lithuania working on the topic of „Mediation in family cases across the European Union. Is a new harmonized approach to Europe’s policy for solving family conflicts needed?“. She is an international guest lecturer at a number of universities across Europe and a part-time lecturer at the University of National and World Economy. Yuliya used to also serve in the position of Principal Mediation at the Independent Project Accountability Mechanism of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), where she would be in charge of all dialogue processes between the bank clients and communities concerned about the environmental and social impacts of bank-financed projects. Mrs. Radanova has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship as a visiting scholar in Chicago, US, to further her academic work in the field of mediation and conflict transformation. She has published a book and numerous articles on mediation and mandatory mediation models. Author of more than 15 scientific articles in the field of mediation in various national and international academic journals and has published a book on the subject of family mediation, the common challenges associated with the procedure and some of the solutions to them. She is regularly participating in national and international conferences devoted to the topic of mediation. She chairs a Bulgarian NGO working to support the spread of mediation in the country and the region.