Tetyana Komarova

Doctor of Jur. Sciences (Dr. hab), Professor, Head of the Department of the European Union Law, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. Head of the Jean Monnet Chair “In-depth Study of EU Values and Law: Ukrainian Context”.
Prof. Komarova for a long time explores judicial law of the European Union. She has more than 150 scientific publications in the field of the EU Law including monographs and books dedicated to the Court of Justice of the European Union and its influence on the EU legal system, legal systems of the third States (particularly Ukrainian legal system).
Prof. Komarova is also a member of Scientific Council “Law” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a certified coach of the Ukrainian National Bar Association for carrying out measures of qualification improvement for advocates in the field of the EU judicial protection. Expert of the EU-funded Project “Pravo Justice” (Ukraine) on EU Law for judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and Expert for OSCE projects.