Tetiana Mykhailichenko

PhD of Law, Associate Professor of Poltava Law Institute of Yaroslav Mudriythe National Law University and Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory of National Security Research in Public Health of the Research Institute of Crime Studies named after Academician V. V. Stashys of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.
Member of the Public Organization “All-Ukrainian Association of Criminal Law” and “Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Law”.
She is the author of more than 60 publications in national and international scientific journals. Participant and speaker of the annual Medical and Legal Forum, co-organizer of the international scientific-practical Internet conference “Legal principles of epidemic safety: challenges and prospects” (April 29, 2020). She acted as an expert at the webinar “Criminal offenses against public health in the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine” (25.05.2021).
She underwent an offline scientific internship in Germany (Summer Academy “Legal Methodology and Education” on the basis of Hochschule Wismar – University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (Wismar, July 23 – August 2, 2019). process for teachers (2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2020), the School of Human Rights, conducted under the project “Ensuring the observance of human rights in the administration of justice” (2017), as well as a number of other trainings and events organized by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine and USAID.
Regularly provides scientific opinions at the request of legislative and executive bodies.
Her research interests include the study of modern science of criminal law and legal security of national security in the field of public health.