Mykhailo Smokovych

Smokovych Mykhailo was born on 1963 in Volyn region.
In 1991 graduated from F. Dzerhinsky Ukrainian state academy (major – “law”).
Since 1996 – served as a judge of Volyn regional court .
During 2001-2004 – a judge of Volyn region court of appeal.
In 2003, December, was chosen as a judge of High administrative court.
Since 2006, March – a secretary of HAC Plenum. Frequently chosen to serve as a HAC head assistant.
In 2010 obtained second high education at Odessa National Law Academy`s Intellectual Property Institute in Kyiv in “intellectual property”.
By decision of HAC assembly on 25.06.2014 was appointed as HAC head assistant.
Was appointed multiple times as head of HAC.
By President Order on 10.11.2017 was appointed as a judge of Cassation administrative Court in Supreme Court, on December 6 became its head.
Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, holds a degree of PhD in law.