Nicolaj Sonderbye

Nicolaj is a senior advisor on Democracy and Human Rights for UNDP Country Office in Ukraine. He is human rights lawyer and a development practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in human rights, democracy and governance at implementation, policy and management level. Nicolaj specialises in human rights and Human Rights Based Approaches (HRBA) to development. As a former chief advisor at the MFA of Denmark at the Technical Quality Support, he was instrumental in operationalizing HRBA into Denmark’s development programming across development sectors in the world. He has led numerous large multi-disciplinary complex evaluations, reviews, appraisals, organisational capacity assessments and research studies in the field of human rights and democratic governance, peace and stability. I recent years Nicolaj has worked intensively exploring the synergies and nexus between human rights, gender, governance and private sector development. He brings with him an excellent understanding of both donors, governments and NGOs perspectives as well as from the private sector as he has represented the various sides in senior managerial and senior technical advisory positions. He has in-depth experience in capacity development, training and mentoring development partners, host governments and staff. His strong analytical and writing skills are demonstrated by numerous international publications.