John Jaime

PhD (Biotechnology), DES (Master of Demography), MPH (Master of Public Health-Environmental Health), BS-Biology.
Tunghai University, International College, Sustainability Sc.&Eng (2017-Present);
Researcher, Institute of Biotechnology – National Chung Hsing University, Institute of Biotechnology (2012-2016);
Lecturer – China Medical University Hospital, Chinese Medicine Department (2005-2016);
Researcher – Bond University, Health Sciences;
Health Science Research and epidemiology of gambling behaviour and international migration (2000-2005);
Lecturer, Human Ecology – Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Department of Architecture;
Lecturing in Ecology and Conservation. (1995-1996);
Occupational Health and Safety Consultant – CerroMatoso Nickel Mines (BHP-Colombia). Office of Environmental Protection. (1996-1999);
High School Teacher, Science Department – Colegio Nueva Granada (1998-1999).