Ilona Przybojewska

PhD, associate professor at the Chair of Environmental Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
Doctor of legal sciences, attorney-at-law, associate professor in the Chair of Environmental Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her research interests comprise in particular the environmental law and the energy law, with a special focus on the legal order of the European Union. Author of papers within that scope, including research articles and the monographs “Znaczenie transeuropejskich sieci energetycznych dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego” [The significance of trans-European energy networks for ensuring the energy security] and “Instrumenty rynkowe prawa ochrony środowiska Unii Europejskiej” [Market-based instruments in the environmental law of the European Union]. Graduate of American Law School organized by the Columbus School of Law, as well as École de Droit Français and the programme MASTER en droit privé organized by Université d’Orléans.