Vitalii Gutnyk

Doctor of Juridical Science (Dr. hab), Professor of the International Law Department and member of the Scientific and Technical Council of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
The topic of PhD thesis: “Criminal procedural guarantees of participants in international armed conflicts (international law aspect)” (2010); the topic of the doctoral (Dr. habil.) dissertation: “The right to defence in international criminal courts: doctrine and practice” (2019).
Expert of the Council of Europe (Project “Support to efficient domestic capacity for the execution of ECtHR judgments (Phase 1)”).
Expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.
Member of the Competitive commission for the selection of candidates for election as a judge of the European Court of Human Rights from Ukraine (2021).
Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2022–2024).
Member of the Ukrainian Association of International Law (UAIL) and a member of the UAIL Control and Audit Commission.
He has repeatedly completed internships/read lectures/participated in conferences at universities in Austria (University of Vienna), Italy (University of Milan), Lithuania (Vilnius University), Poland (Wroclaw University) and Finland (University of Turku).