Hrystyna Kit

Hrystyna Kit, Chairwoman of the NGO “Association of Women’s Lawyers of Ukraine “JurFem”, lawyer, Ph.D in legal sciences, feminist.
In 2010, Hrystyna completed her studies at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Law.
In 2011-2014, she studied at the postgraduate course at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
In 2015 she got her Ph.D.
In 2014-2016, Hrystyna was teaching administrative and financial law at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Law.
For more than ten years, Hrystyna has been working on women’s rights protection. In 2008-2018 she was working as a lawyer at the NGO «Center “Women’s Prospects”».
In 2017, she was one of the initiators and co-founder of the Association of Women’s Lawyers of Ukraine “JurFem”, which is now headed by her. Hrystyna is co-author of a distance course for lawyers entitled “Legal Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence”, Guidelines for Advocates for the Identification of Gender Discrimination and Assistance to Victims, founder and co-author of the training course “Gender Equality and Women’s Rights” in cooperation with USAID and National Bar Association of Ukraine. Organizer of the Forum of Women Lawyers. The initiator of the Ukrainian translation of the book by US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginzburg “My Own Words”.
She is the author of 13 scientific works, a graduate of international programs dealing with the protection of human rights.
Graduate of international and national human rights programs.