Alina Serhieieva
Strategic and analytical researcher, an expert with more than 10 years of progressive experience in justice reform and mediation, also practicing in the field of mediation, negotiation, peacebuilding, facilitation, and coaching. Master degree in Mediation (LL.M), IMI certified mediator, mediation trainer and expert. Has solid knowledge of the ADR field with direct experience in coordinating; member of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine working group on the preparation of proposals for ratification of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the “Singapore Convention on Mediation”) and the draft law “On Mediation”, National Expert Pravo-Justice EU-funded Project, International Expert “Promotion of the rule of law in Central Asia” GIZ, trainer in the field of mediation of Notary chamber of Ukraine. Lecturere in Mediation (LL.M), guest researcher in ADR and mediation at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). Representative from Ukraine in GEMME and CEPEJ.