Tax conflict and tax dispute: correlation, characteristics and consequences

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

“Tax conflict and tax dispute: correlation, characteristics and consequences”


The panel discussion on “Tax conflict and tax dispute: correlation, characteristics and consequences” is devoted to the study of complex and multifaceted issues arising in the modern legal and economic sphere. Tax conflict, as the initial stage of disagreements between tax authorities and taxpayers, is one of the most pressing issues arising in the course of tax administration. It is important to study this phenomenon because effective conflict resolution at the early stages can minimize the risks of escalation to a tax dispute, which in turn has serious legal and financial consequences for both the state and business.

A tax dispute is an inherent continuation of a tax conflict when the parties fail to reach an agreement at the pre-trial stage. The conference will feature a comprehensive discussion of the problematic aspects of the emergence and development of tax disputes, including an analysis of the legal grounds on which the parties’ positions may be based and the procedural specifics of substantiating claims and objections. Given that an important component of a tax dispute is the procedural aspects of its resolution, including the preparation and presentation of evidence, court procedures and opportunities to appeal decisions, the panel discussion will focus on the role of court practice in shaping approaches to the interpretation of tax rules and determining the fairness of decisions in tax disputes.

The consequences of tax conflicts and disputes have a far-reaching impact on the economic stability and legal system of the state. Through theoretical and practical reflection on these issues during the panel discussion, it is planned to formulate a number of proposals that will determine the further practice of applying tax legislation, affecting the relationship between regulatory authorities and taxpayers. The conference is aimed at highlighting current trends in resolving tax conflicts and disputes, discussing problems and prospects for improving legal regulation in this area, as well as considering opportunities to improve the efficiency of the judiciary and tax institutions in the context of balancing the interests of the state and taxpayers.



26 september 2024
10.00 - 13.00
Registration of participants for the event in Zoom format


Joerg Pudelka

Head of the GIZ office in Central Asia, judge at the Administrative Court in Berlin.

Topic of speech: ''The taxation system in Germany and possible conclusions for Ukraine''

Lars Brocker

President of the Higher Administrative Court of the Rhineland-Palatinate, President of the Constitutional Court of the Rhineland-Palatinate, Doctor of Law, external lecturer in constitutional and administrative law at Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz), member of the State Examination Commission, Chairman of the Legal Policy Society, member of the Board of the Institute of Legal Policy of […]

Topic of speech: ''Gebührenpflicht für Polizeiaufwand bei sog. Hochrisikofußballspielen''

Franceska Werth

Professor, Doctor of Law, Judge at German Federal Financial Court.

Topic of speech: ''Umsetzung des verfassungsrechtlichen Gleichheitsgrundsatzes im Steuerrecht''

Raisa Khanova

Judge, Secretary of the Judicial Chamber for Cases on Taxes, Fees and Other Obligatory Payments of the Administrative Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court, PhD in Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine.

Topic of speech: ''Current legal positions on the results of cassation review of tax disputes''

Ihor Olender

Judge of the Administrative Court of Cassation within the Supreme Court, Doctor of Law.

Topic of speech: ''Current approaches of the practice of the Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court on guilt''

Oleh Zaverukha

Judge, Chairman of the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal, Doctor (PhD) of Law.

Topic of speech: ''Tax conflict: nature and grounds for differentiation''

Serhii Broiakov

Doctor of Philosophy, assistant at the Department of Tax Law, expert of the ERASMUS-JMO-2023 project, member of the Advisory Board on Virtual Assets Regulation at the National Commission for Securities and the Stock Market, adviser of the tax and accounting practice of Bona Lex.

Topic of speech: ''The principle of stability of tax legislation through the prism of judicial practice''

Viktoriia Chayka

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial and Tax Law of the State Tax University.

Topic of speech: ''Tax consulting under Polish law: experience for Ukraine''

Oksana Muzyka-Stefanchuk

Head of the Department of Financial Law at the Educational and Research Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Doctor of Law, Professor.

Topic of speech: ''On the reality of business transactions in the context of taxation''


Mykola Kucheriavenko

The First Vice-Rector Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, the State Prize of Ukraine Laureate.

Thank you for registration!!

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Thank you for registering to attend the VIII-th Kharkiv International Legal Forum.

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See you at VIII-th Kharkiv International Legal Forum on September 23-27, 2024!

Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee
Rector of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Anatoly Hetman