Morten Kjaerum

Morten Kjærum is Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in Sweden. He was the first director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna, and founding Director of the Danish Institute for Human Rights. He has been a member of CERD and chair of ICC/GANHRI as well as chaired the group of Directors of EU Agencies. He has also served as Chair of The Board of ECRE and was appointed by the UN Secretary General as member of the UN Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation (VFTC) in the Field of Human Rights and of the Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Universal Periodic Review. Mr. Kjaerum was appointed adjunct professor at the University of Aalborg, Denmark 2013. He has published extensively on HR, recently co-editing the books “Human Rights and Poverty” and “Covid-19 and Human Rights”.